
Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Action Research topic changing a bit...

For this weeks assignment we had to come up with three choices for action research. The funny thing is-I thought I already knew what I was going to do. Here are the three choices I had:

1. How are teachers using technology in the classroom and is it effective?
2. How can I get more teachers using technology in the classroom and can I require them to take more technology professional development hours each year to learn more?
3. With all the technology we have available in our school, why are some teachers reluctant to use it?

After discussing my three choices for topics it looks like I might be changing my direction of my action research project. I completely understand why my mentor thinks number three should easily be thrown out. I talked to her on the phone to tell her more about what I would be doing with it, but she thinks the staff would still be reluctant to even attend the additional trainings I offer so it would be hard to gather research. She thinks the “reasons” they give will just make me madJ

For number two-I could easily make this part of what I want to accomplish in my action research plan. I also told her that we could work on an incentive program for attending more hours of technology trainings. Some would do it just for the “prize”. Things we could use for prizes could include; duty free lunch, jeans for the week, or anything else the teachers would love to have.

So after discussing all of this with my mentor, I will take on number one, but I will still do my best to make sure the teachers that need additional training on various technology applications, get it.  I am going to teaching several trainings this year on my campus as well as throughout the district, so I plan to make sure as many of my staff are on board with me as possible about being excited to use technology effectively in the classroom.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

What have I Learned about Action Research?

After reading the books and articles Action Research seems pretty basic to me.  Maybe it’s because this is something my principal actively does. I see that and know; that is the way I would want to run my campus.  She bases everything on research she does on the topic, gives reasons why, how, and thoroughly describes what she hopes the outcome will be.  I stumbled across this quote:

"Action research is the process through which teachers collaborate in evaluating their practice jointly; raise awareness of their personal theory; articulate a shared conception of values; try out new strategies to render the values expressed in their practice more consistent with the educational values they espouse; record their work in a form which is readily available to and understandable by other teachers; and thus develop a shared theory of teaching by researching practice." - John Elliott

This accurately describes everything action research is. The key is Reflection and Evaluation. Why wouldn’t you as an educational leader continually evaluate what is going on around the campus in order to make it the best it could be. That is what lead me to what I have planned my action research plan about—Technology in the classroom. Maybe this is something that needs to have more reflection and evaluation in all schools in order to keep as current as possible with the learning styles of our students.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

How Educational Leaders Might Use Blogs

I am sorry to say that I have always made fun of bloggers! I never understood the need for anyone to post things such as how their kids potty trained, how much someone loved their trip overseas, and what the secret is to a healthy diet! I was always told about and invited to participate in them but this is something I NEVER thought I would get into. My question to them was "who really cares?" But, my thinking has changed. Becoming an educational leader is going to come with many decisions to make as well as issues to face. Why would I NOT create a blog to get input, advice, or guidance about things I might be facing on my campus or throughout the district. And as far as who might care-any and everyone that might be in my same position! I understand some use these as portals for families to stay up to date and companies to stay connected. Leaders will use these the same way-to stay connected, stay current and focused on what is important and relevant. They can bounce ideas off each other and be a global support system for each other when they need it.