
Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Action Research topic changing a bit...

For this weeks assignment we had to come up with three choices for action research. The funny thing is-I thought I already knew what I was going to do. Here are the three choices I had:

1. How are teachers using technology in the classroom and is it effective?
2. How can I get more teachers using technology in the classroom and can I require them to take more technology professional development hours each year to learn more?
3. With all the technology we have available in our school, why are some teachers reluctant to use it?

After discussing my three choices for topics it looks like I might be changing my direction of my action research project. I completely understand why my mentor thinks number three should easily be thrown out. I talked to her on the phone to tell her more about what I would be doing with it, but she thinks the staff would still be reluctant to even attend the additional trainings I offer so it would be hard to gather research. She thinks the “reasons” they give will just make me madJ

For number two-I could easily make this part of what I want to accomplish in my action research plan. I also told her that we could work on an incentive program for attending more hours of technology trainings. Some would do it just for the “prize”. Things we could use for prizes could include; duty free lunch, jeans for the week, or anything else the teachers would love to have.

So after discussing all of this with my mentor, I will take on number one, but I will still do my best to make sure the teachers that need additional training on various technology applications, get it.  I am going to teaching several trainings this year on my campus as well as throughout the district, so I plan to make sure as many of my staff are on board with me as possible about being excited to use technology effectively in the classroom.


  1. I believe some teachers are intimidate by technology especially if their knowledge is limited. I think it's an excellent idea to offer some technology trainings for those teachers, who are not comfort with any form of technology. I hope you are success with your plan, if you don't change your mind. Just kidding. Good Luck

  2. Sometimes it seems like some teachers try to shoehorn a piece of technology into the class, just because it is available. I hope that the "is it effective" question leads you to find a meaningful way for technology to be seamlessly integrated in to the class.
